Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday/Father's Day to my husband!

Today is my Kyle's 31st birthday! I took him out on a little mini date last night to one of our favorite restaurants then we went home and snuggled on the couch. Not exactly an exciting evening, but we're about to become the parents of two. You can't expect too much from us.

For his birthday, I ordered him a bunch of shooting targets and whatnot so he could play with his new handgun, but unfortunately they won't be coming in for a few weeks. Poo. Since he can't be without presents on his birthday and the ones I ordered should arrive just in time for Father's Day, I figured I'd pull a little switcheroo and give him his Father's Day gifts tonight.

Each of the kids picked out a few gifts for Daddy (meaning, I went shopping on my lunch break and bought presents that I'm going to put their names on). From Vivienne, he's getting a dirty diaper trash bag dispenser for his car and a sappy book to read to her about daddies and daughters. Then I decided to finally get Daddy the Nerf swords that he's been trying to talk Logan into wanting for months. (Logan always picks out something else and poor Daddy leaves swordless every time.) They will be strictly outdoors toys though because these suckers are about 3' long and our house is definitely not big enough for Nerf sword combat.

On Father's Day, Kyle will be getting his awesome birthday presents which consist of a shooting target stand, some small clay disk targets (that he most likely won't be able to hit because he's a pretty terrible shot...but don't tell him I said that), and a pack of zombie paper targets. I think he'll be most excited about bustin' a cap in some corpses! I can't wait to see his face when he opens them! I'm sure he'd never guess that I'd buy him something like that, which will make it even more fun for me.

If it seems like I'm shopping for a teenager rather than a 31 yr old man, well what can I say, my husband likes his toys. I guess part of the fun of being a parent is getting to buy your kids all the stuff you wish they had when you were young (and then getting to play with all those cool new toys). Hopefully he'll enjoy all his birthday and Father's Day gifts, because he's an AMAZING husband and father and he absolutely deserves all of this and more!


Jennifer said...

Nothing's wrong with a man getting in touch with his inner child ;). I think that makes for an excellent father. I hope your hubby has a wonderful birthday/father's day.

Unknown said...

Aw, Happy Birthday Kyle!!
You are a sweet sweet wife I tell ya :)
I hope he has a wonderful birthday/father's day! Sounds like you are making it absolutely perfect :)