Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Bump @ 33 Weeks!

Well, as you can see in the background, Vivienne's room is finally starting to come together. Her bed is made, her tissue poms are hung, and I've been working really hard to go through all of the goodies from our baby shower. I separated out all her newborn clothes and have folded and waiting in one of her drawers, but they actually still need to be washed. I should probably get on that. I have the rest of her clothes separated out by size into labeled boxes. I did the same with Logan and found it to be really convenient and cut down on the clutter. I mean, do I really need her 6-9 month stuff hanging in the closet already? Nah.

So anyway, I'm starting to feel pretty prepared for her arrival. I think I've picked out her coming home outfit and I started packing our bag. I've been having some anxiety lately just thinking about the c-section and recovery. I almost think it was easier the 1st time around, not knowing what to expect. Instead, I suspect I'll spend the next 6 weeks remembering how much pain I'm going to be in afterwards, plus this time I'll also have a 3 yr old to take care of when we get home. On the positive side, you can't imagine what a comfort it is to know that I'm not going to be doing it all alone this time. Kyle is going to take off work for the 1st week - I told him he might as well take the whole week since he'll be using 3 days while we're in the hospital. What's another 2 days, right? And I'm EXTRA lucky because my Mom is going to take vacation the next week and come down to spend the days with me, so I'll have 2 weeks of help while I get back on my feet. Then I'm on my own.  Eeek!!!

Soooo...yeah....let's get to the baby stats before I freak myself out. I'm going to skip the survey this week because nothing much has changed in the last 7 days.  Maybe switch to bi-weekly...

How your baby's growing:
You are one hot mama -- literally. A 20 percent metabolic rate increase throughout pregnancy can leave you begging for a cool breeze no matter what the weather is like. Things are heating up inside as well: Baby may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and her brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, she'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, she's started to keep her eyes open when she's awake. This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (about the size of a pineapple or canteloupe) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.


HeatherLynn said...

I'm getting nervous FOR you!...but i'm so happy to hear you're going to have some help...if this ever happens to me, my mom better just prepare to move in with me permanently! two weeks is NOT enough to train this old dog! :)


Alicia said...

awww YAY!! the poms look adorable! i love it!! i'm so excited for you! i can't believe how quickly your pregnancy has gone, as least for me anyway! lol...hugs lady :)

drollgirl said...

YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! and your little baby sounds like she is progressing rather nicely! she will be here pretty soon. whee!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You look A-MA-ZING lady. WOW!

Llama said...

I love loooove how the room looks! The flowers on the wall are super cute! :)