Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Bump @ 23 Weeks

This was the last pair of non-maternity jeans that I was still holding on to, but after spending the entire day feeling the baby kick at the waistband, I'm pretty sure I won't be wearing them again until Fall.

How your baby's growing:
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

How Far Along? 23 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss?  I don't weigh myself at home so until the next appointment, I'm sticking with 5 lbs!

Maternity Clothes? I actually bought a top yesterday that isn't maternity but I suspect that it should last most if not all of the rest of my pregnancy. Maternity tops are still optional since my belly is still pretty small, but maternity bottoms are a must....except my pre-baby yoga pants. I still wear them.

Sleep?  I'm starting to feel guilty about sexing up different strangers every night in my dreams. Obviously I have no control over it, but I wish the Hubs would make more regular appearances so I don't feel like such a dream slut. Also last night (after the sex dream), I dreamt that there were dinosaurs hunting us and we had to hide out. I grabbed my family and we hid in a nasty drainage pipe with our pillows and blankets. Really bizarre.

Best Moment of the Week?  Finally getting started on the nursery. We haven't made much progress yet but we did get it cleaned out a little and I got started on a few projects, so I'm feeling good about that.

Movement?  Constant. She seems to sleep when I sleep, which is good, but I wake up to her nudges every morning. I think it's her way of dragging me out of bed to pee so she can have more wiggle room.

Food Cravings? Chick-fil-a nuggets with bbq sauce and a cherry coke. I must have all three. (I ate this twice yesterday. Don't judge me.)

Food aversions?  Red meat smells like cows and not at all like food. My stomach seems to be turning on shrimp now as well.

Morning sickness? Nope!

Gender?  Vivienne Jane my Million Dollar Baby

Belly Button? Still in....but barely.

What I miss: Comfortably bending at the waist and being able to hug my husband without my belly getting in the way.

What I'm looking forward to: Having family pictures taken this weekend.

Milestones?  Nothing much to speak of this week, except that Logan has learned the baby's full name and tells everyone he is going to have a sister and her name is Baby Vivienne Jane. Adorable.


Anonymous said...

I love reading these updates! I get a look at up coming things :)

ZDub said...

I love her name, perfect.

Alicia said...

you look adorable honey!! and chick fil a is GRUB!!! nom nom nom! well, at least their fries are, that's the only thing i eat there!