Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Making progress and a new birth date!

We had our weekly check-up yesterday. I'm a little over 1cm dilated and we have been officially scheduled for our c-section on 8/6 - that's NEXT FRIDAY!!! We were initially a little bummed to lose out on 8/9/10 (our doctor is over-booked and I could potentially end up waiting around until 7pm for the c-section, meaning I'd be all day without food and that is NOT acceptable), but then I realized that my husband's birthday is 6/8, so that makes 8/6 almost as awesome as 8/9/10. I mean, if we couldn't get the date we really wanted, this is really the next best thing AND it puts her in our arms a few days sooner.

We did a little shopping last night and realized that there really isn't anything else that we need for V. I want to pick up a few more little hats and mittens but I hate that all the packs come with stupid fabrics. What's wrong with just solid colors? All those tacky prints are going to clash with her cute outfits. I'm going to hit the local consignment shop this week to see if I can find any cute, plain hats on the cheap. I remember getting a few there for Logan.

I still have a lot of cleaning to do around the house before I'll consider us truly "ready". My To Do List only has about half of the tasks checked off so it looks like I'm in for a busy weekend. So much for spending our last infant-free weekend relaxing and resting up. We also have a wedding to go to, so it's not like we'd have just been laying around anyway. Aaaaand I have to find something cute to wear that I can fit this belly into.

So that's where we stand as of right now. Like I said, I'm starting to dilate which could mean absolutely nothing OR we could continue to progress and meet our little girl even sooner than planned. That's the magic of childbirth folks - it's all totally unpredictable. You can plot and plan out every minute detail but the baby really doesn't give a damn about your plans. She'll come when she's good and ready. 

In not even a little bit awesome news, I discovered tiny little stretchmarks on the underside of my belly last night. Somehow I held myself together and didn't freak out or even cry, but I am truly heartbroken. My belly was at least twice this size when I had my son and I have not a single belly stretchmark to show for it. This time around I'm "tiny" as everyone tells me, and yet my belly can't take the strain. Are you freaking kidding me? So screw you, belly skin! I guess I'll be retiring my 2-piece bathing suit along with my maternity clothes.

This was me @ only about 6/7 months w/ Logan. I was at LEAST twice this size by the end. This time around, I'm only a little bigger than this @ full term, and yet somehow my belly can't take it.

Oh, and I think I have a sinus infection. Not cool. 


Jennifer said...

That's so exciting that you're going to have your little precious so soon! I can't wait to see pictures and hear how everything went. I certainly don't want a c-section unless absolutely necessary, but I envy those of you who know when your babies are going to be here. I just keep hearing "any day now".

Sorry about the stretch marks and the sinus infection :(. Maybe the stretch marks won't even be noticeable?

HeatherLynn said...

Hey, at least you have a KID to blame for your strechmarks, I have em and I wasn't even pregnant, just got chubby quick and my skin couldn't take THAT bit of stretching!

And you don't have to put away the 2-piece, stretch marks fade in time and if you do a nice fake or real tan, you pretty much don't even see em unless you get really close up!

so never fear o'pretty one...there's hope yet!
