Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I've been on a teensy bit of a spending spree lately and Miss Vivienne's wardrobe is getting so huge that she may only get to wear each outfit once before she moves on to the next size. I really need to ease off, but sitting at my computer all day with little to do and a million great online stores makes it really hard.

Speaking of which, I'm sure most of you have heard of Gilt Group and other similar sites, but you may not be familiar with Zulily yet. It's just like the other members only sites with new sales daily, except with a focus on children's items and maternity. They get some really great brands at super low prices, so if you have a child or need to buy for friends, this is totally the way to go.

I've been drooling over this site for weeks, but have been holding out...until this week. I got V two cardigans and a tee by Baby Creationz which is an infant line that features cute tattoo designs.

Adorable, right? It kind of reminds me of early Ed Hardy stuff before it got really tacky and douchebag-y. I can't wait to see it on her!

Zulily has 5 or so new sales every day, so definitely check them out!


B said...

I get the emails everyday! Love love love this site.

Llama said...

Awwww how super super cute!