Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Bump @ 26 Weeks!

My face looks wonky buy I LOVE my new dress!
Thanks babe!

How your baby's growing:
Baby's now the size of an eggplant! She's soaking up your antibodies, getting her immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and she'll soon be practicing the blink...perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes. The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. She may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. She's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of her lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when she's born and takes that first gulp of air. And she's continuing to put on baby fat. She now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches from head to heel.

How Far Along?  26 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss?  12 lbs total - still doing great! Doc says I'm "carrying beautifully". He always knows just the right things to say!

Maternity Clothes?  Kyle bought me some tops and a dress for Mother's Day. The dress is from Old Navy and is not maternity but is cut well for it. Besides, I can never resist a nautical stripe. The tops are pretty cute too (and were picked up for practically nothing at Ross) but since I only have one pair of capris and no skirts, I'm not going to be able to wear them much quite yet.

Sleep?  I don't even want to talk about it. There is no such thing as a sound sleep anymore.

Best Moment of the Week?  Most of the people who work in my building just noticed last week that I'm pregnant. I thought it was pretty obvious as of a few weeks ago, but apparently not. Their jaws hit the floor when I told them how far along I am and they all said that I look amazing. That made me feel REALLY good! THEN.....I won a gorgeous Hale Bob maternity dress on Ebay last night for just $32 that I plan on wearing to a wedding in two weeks and probably again to my baby shower.

Adorable, right?

Movement?  She went straight Chuck Norris on the doppler today when our Doc tried to get her heart rate. He just laughed. It took about 10 minutes to get a good reading. He said he felt bad for me.

Food Cravings?  A cocktail. Lol. I bought myself some sparkling grape juice last night and that helped take the edge of my champagne craving a little, but not entirely. Also, I'm back to craving Mexican. I picked up some AMAZING tacos for lunch on Friday, made enchiladas on Saturday, ate leftover enchiladas for dinner last night, and have one left for lunch today. Surprisingly, I still want more!

Food aversions? Still just steak and shrimp from what I can tell.

Gender? Pink! Pink! Pink!

Belly Button: No change from last week. It's still only sticking out at the top.

What I miss: Mimosas. Sex dreams about Bruce Willis.

What I'm looking forward to: Wearing my new dress to my ex's wedding in 2 weeks (it's not weird, we're really good friends and his bride-to-be sang at my wedding)!

Milestones?  My feet were so sore after just a few hours of errands Saturday morning that by Sunday they were still throbbing and I could hardly bear to stand or walk around. Ok, not much of a milestone really except that it tells me we're getting closer to the end.


Jennifer said...

Your ebay dress is so freaking cute! Hopefully you will post some pictures of you wearing it. I feel ya on the aching feet. Mine have been really hurting.

Anonymous said...

lol! I think you and I are on the same page.. Champagne sounds so yummy!!!

RN Mama said...

You look amazing! And you definitely don't look as far along as you are:)

Love that dress!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You look SO beautiful lady!