Monday, February 7, 2011

Vivy is SIX MONTHS!!!!

Vivienne turned 6 months old yesterday! It's so hard to believe . . . I just don't know where the time has gone. I was planning on writing some big list about all of the things she's doing now, but honestly, it would be a short list. Vivy is what we lovingly refer to as a lazy baby. Lazy but adorable!

Rolling front to back - CHECK! Pretty much the only time she does this is when she's fighting sleep. She's a tummy sleeper (You can save your "Back to Sleep" comments. We had a bad experience when Logan was a day old and none of my babies will ever sleep on their back. Period.) so she'll roll onto her back so she has a reason to throw a fit. That's about it.

Rolling back to front - Nope.

Sitting - Nope.

Tri-podding (is that a word?) - Not exactly. She starts off strong but quickly (within seconds) ends up folded over in half and gets pretty grumpy about it.
Sleeping through the night - CHECK! (most nights anyway)

Eating - DOUBLE CHECK! Ok, here's where she really excels! My little piggy takes 15oz of milk at daycare plus about 4oz of oatmeal with bananas twice a day, throw in all the breastfeeding she does in the morning and evening and you've got one healthy little eater! She has her 6 month check-up tomorrow and we're planning to start her on fruits and veggies if they give us the go ahead.

Babbles - CHECK! Miss Viv is a chatterbox! This month she discovered a new, loud screechy voice. Now she and Logan lay on the floor and screech back and forth at each other. It's cute for about a second . . . then the headache kicks in. She coos, giggles, screeches, and babbles. There's almost always some sort of sound coming out of her and they're (almost) all adorable!

Teeth - Lots of drool but no teeth yet.
Chewing - CHECK! She chews on everything and nothing. It's especially hilarious when she gets her mouth going like she has some big wad of chewing gum in there.

She's a happy little girl, that's for sure, but she does have a temper too. I suppose she might get that from me. But all in all, it's been a pretty easy six months. Really, crazy busy, but easy. She's the kind of baby that makes you want to have lots more babies. Of course, Logan was that kind of baby too. It's just been years 3 and 4 that have made me consider getting my tubes tied, so we'll see . . . .

Happy 6 Months to my sweet princess!


Jennifer said...

Marjorie she is beyond gorgeous! I love her smile! Cor.ben use to babble ALL...DAY...LONG, but lately he has really slowed down on that. We have his 6 month WCC Wednesday.

Jennifer said...

Oh and just out of curiosity (if you feel like sharing) what happened with Logan and sleeping on his back? I'm pretty sure I've shared this, but C has always been a stomach sleeper as well with his reflux. I have my own opinions about the "back to sleep" campaign.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet baby girl! Her eyes are gorgeous!

Llama said...

Happy 6 months baby girl! How sweeeet!
She has gotten so big so fast!

Anonymous said...

I love all the naked baby shots!!