Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas 2010.....Part 1

Now that I've married into a LARGE family, it seems like Christmas is never-ending. We have more holiday parties and get-togethers than you could ever imagine. Hell, the kids see Santa at least 3 times. I don't know how many more years we have before Logan starts to notice that Santa looks different every time he sees him. Lol! In all seriousness though, it was a really nice Christmas. Viv was just old enough to enjoy seeing all her new things - she even liked her clothes! She liked chewing on them anyway. I split all the pictures up into 3 posts because there are so very many! Here are our pictures leading up to Christmas - through Christmas Eve. Tomorrow I'll post the 1st half of our Christmas day.

Logan, Viv, and the BEST Santa!

Viv and Mrs. Claus

Quick story: The above pictures were taken at a Breakfast with Santa at the fire hall in my mom's town. It was immediately after that breakfast last year that I finally got a positive pregnancy test and we found out  Miss Viv was on her way!
The best gift I received this year!

Logan and Grandma reading on Christmas Eve.

Viv and Grandma Nina

Making cookies for Santa.

Mom and me

My Santa Baby in her carseat


Unknown said...

The craziness of Christmas hey?
It becomes WAY too much!! lol
But the pictures are great and sweet Viv was the best present of the year :)

Llama said...

How super sweet! I love the innocence of children and truly is something you hope they NEVER grow out of! I can't believe last Christmas was when you found out your were pregnant! How time flies!!!