Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We Want to Know Q&A

One of the best parts of my Wednesday is reading We Want to Know with Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso, but I've never participated . . . until today.  I haven't posted in a while (I know this because my mom reminds me constantly), so this week I figured I'd join in the fun. Heck, I might even jump on this train permantly. Why not, right? All aboard . . .


1. What is the best advice someone has ever given you?
When I was younger and would go to my mom for relationship advice, she would always tell me something to the effect of "You have to decide what you can live with and what you can't." In other words, no one is going to be perfectly, exactly what you want them to be. You just have to decide if the particular characteristic or habit that's upsetting you is something trivial that you can just learn to ignore or is it a deal breaker? It's pretty basic advice but it helped me make some tough decisions and it's wisdom that I've passed on to nearly all of my friends at some point in time.

2. What is your greatest accomplishment?
My family, without a doubt. Several years ago when it was just me and my little guy, I had moments of complete panic, afraid that no man would ever come along and want to love us. I was fortunate, however. Before long I met my husband and 5 months later we were married. Suddenly, I had my soul mate, Logan had a father, and I could focus all of my efforts on being the best mother and wife I could be. There are always challenges, but I feel good knowing that we take them on as a team. Since our Princess Baby joined the clan, the dynamic has changed, but as always, we take it all in stride. Together. I'm so proud of the parents that we have become. We certainly aren't perfect, but we give it our all and every day we strive to do better, to BE better for them.

3. Who do you admire?
My mom would be the obvious choice, or even my grandmother, but for the sake of being less cliche . . . I've always admired certain skills and characteristics in others and if you look at my group of friends you'll see that I tend to surround myself with people who embody all of those traits that I so desperately wish to possess but probably never will. I admire people who are totally confident and secure in who they are and don't care what others think, because being happy with yourself is more important than being popular. I admire people who literally "dance as if no one's watching". I admire people who are strong and outspoken and refuse to back down when they know they're right. I admire people who are just so likeable and charismatic that everyone loves them and wants to be around them. I admire those parents who are totally laid-back and calm and don't freak out when their kids do ridiculous things or act like heathens in public.
I could probably write an entire post about the amazing people in my life and the qualities I admire most in them . . . maybe I will. But I'll stop here for now.

4. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Wow. I could go with any of the qualities I just listed above, but I think the most important thing for me is that I wish I had some sort of direction in life. At 26, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Obviously, being a mom and a wife is a dream come true, but I want more. I want to do something with my life, something I enjoy, I just don't know what that is yet. In college, I went through 3 different majors in 3 years and still wasn't satisfied that I was on the right path. I decided to take a year off to stop wasting money while I decided what I wanted to do with my life, and here I am 6 years later no closer to having it all figured out.

5. How do you want to be remembered?
I made my husband promise to outlive me, so mostly I hope that he'll join me soon because I'll be lonely (but not too soon, I want him to live a full, happy life with or without me). I want my kids to remember me as being fun and silly, but also being a ferocious mama bear whenever they needed me. Though it may not be until they become parents themselves, I hope that one day they'll appreciate all of my rules and understand that I just wanted to help them become the best people they could be. I hope that they'll always know that I love them for who they are - NO MATTER WHAT- and I hope that they always feel like their mom supported them in everything. I hope that they remember me as always having time for them and making that a priority over everything else. Our home may be noisy and chaotic and usually a total mess, but it's full of love, laughter, and fun and that trumps being clean any day.


Robin said...

I told Roy I wanted him to out live me and he said, "at the rate, You're going, No Problem!"

I have no idea what he means!!

Mamarazzi said...

surrounding yourself with amazing people whose traits you admire is a GREAT way to adopt those traits.

thanks for linking up, i hope you do make it part of your blogging week, i really enjoyed your answers!!