Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beach Baby

Remember when I promised you pictures on Monday? Yeah...sorry about that.

I still haven't been able to access the bounty of photos on my backup camera, so I'll distract you with these quick shots from Viv's first trip to the beach....3 months ago....and you'll forgive me because she's so tiny and precious.

She still seems small until I look at pictures like these that we took just a few months ago. I can't believe how very tiny she was. Judging by the way her clothes fit (or don't fit), I'd guess that she's still a little small for her age, but maybe longer than average. Much of her 0-3 month clothing is too big or extra baggy through the middle, but pulls at the shoulders because of her length. She certainly doesn't have super-model length legs in her future, but from the looks of it she'll at least inherit her daddy's pretty athletic legs rather than my chunky little stumps. Good for her. Pretty legs were on my wish lists for both kids, so we'll see.

But anyway, back to our beach trip.... Kyle and I pushed the stroller up and down the boardwalk, ate some delicious Thrasher's fries, and played some video games in the super noisy arcade. Through it all, the Princess slept, with the exception of a quick feeding on one of the benches along the boardwalk. I wanted to get a proper "1st Trip to the Beach" picture with her feet in the surf, but Kyle was opposed to waking her up, stripping off her clothes, and sticking her precious toesies in the freezing ocean. He's such a fun-sucker. Logan missed out on that trip because he was with my parents for the weekend, but we went to the beach one last time a few weeks later with both kids in tow.  I still wasn't allowed to stick Viv's feet in the water, but we did at least make it onto the sand that time. Logan, who can apparently run faster than the speed of light if it means he has a chance to get into some trouble, jumped into the ocean still fully clothed about 2 seconds into our "Baby's 1st Time on the Sand" photo shoot, so at least one of my kids got the full beach experience. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait to see those pictures until I'm able to get them off my camera. Stupid camera.


Alicia said...

i can't wait to see new pics of her! she's just darling!! hope everything is going good with the growing family :)

Llama said...

I swear, i do the same thing...its the worst part about digital cameras!! Can't wait to see the pics!
So happy to hear that you are doing so wonderful!