Friday, July 23, 2010

2.5 Hours to Freedom!

I just have a few random tidbits for you today, because it's Friday afternoon and I've got major weekend tunnel vision.

I discovered a few weeks ago that I could do this:
I swear I'm not eating I Can't Believe It's Not Butter straight out of the tub with a fork. I may be pregnant, but I'm not a freak. It's leftover corn. And, yes, we eat in the living room off of tv trays, otherwise we'd miss Wheel of Fortune.

The belly holds drinks nicely as well, as long as V doesn't go too crazy in there.

And in case you're wondering how my son managed to get kicked out of Vacation Bible School, not once but twice....apparently, on both occasions he locked himself in a bathroom stall and screeched at the top of his lungs because he liked the echo. The 1st time it happened, he was there by himself and the VBS staff couldn't get him to come out until my Mom got there to pick him up. The 2nd time was a few nights later and my Mom actually WAS there, but he made his move when she stepped outside for a few minutes. I really wish it was a more entertaining story, but I guess he's not quite the heathen I try to make him out to be. Lol. Honestly, when my mom called me the first night to tell me he had been kicked out, I thought the story would involve nudity or booby touching (the boy loves himself some boobies) or something along those lines. I was actually relieved when she told me what happened. The fact that it happened a second time - and with my mom there - is not cool, but our state fair is in town this week (and he has been waiting impatiently for MONTHS) so I suspect now he'll be on his best behavior at least for the next few days.

Logan @ about 1yr old
Proof that he really is an angel....or was.

Have a great weekend ladies! Try to stay cool!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh this post cracks me up!

Ashley Paige said...

haha i LOVE the belly-table! i was JUST telling my husband that it's ONE thing I'm going to truly miss! it's so difficult to eat at a table when your belly forces you to sit like.. thirteen inches away from it- so the solution? the belly-table! it's the bomb.. i agree wholeheartedly.

and Logan getting kicked out of VBS? hilarious.. even though it didn't involve nudity.. which clearly would have just taken the hilarity to a whole other level.. but still super cute and funny nonetheless!

HeatherLynn said...

awwwwwwwww...what an angel! our little angel getting kicked out of bible school.....what irony!

my nephew loves himself some boobies too! I think "boob men" must literally start from an early age! part of their DNA or something! ;)

and love your belly handy is that?! ha, ha.....

won't be able to enjoy it for long m'dear....good thing you have pictures to remember it by! god knows you won't have the belly!
