Friday, June 11, 2010

My Ex-Boyfriend's Wedding

Here are a few pics from my ex-boyfriend's wedding a few weeks ago. It was really beautiful but I didn't take very many pictures. I can't believe I haven't posted these yet!

Me, my boobs, and my hunny.

The bride and groom being freaking adorable as always.

My girl Ashley and I snatched the bride for a quick pic.

She stole the fairy/butterfly wings from one of her flower girls and wore them the rest of the night.

First dance.

Cute picture except that my dress is so busy and flowy, you really can't see the bump.

One last photo op with my mister before we called it a night.


Unknown said...

Marjorie - if ONLY I looked that good when I was pregnant. It super-duper was not happening... But girly - gorgeous!

Alicia said...

love the photos! lady you seriously look amazing!! absolutely stunning!! and holy tatas batman! hahaa!!