Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It's been an interesting weekend ladies... It actually started out pretty great and somehow we managed to enjoy ourselves AND fit a lot on without the time flying by. When we went to bed Saturday night I couldn't believe that we still had another day left of weekend. Sunday, however, things changed. It went well enough to start: I made breakfast, we did a little shopping, then we went out to my inlaws' house to shoot (or in our case: miss) some targets with my husband's new handgun. Once we left there I started having stomach cramps. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner and I ended up having to go out and sit in the car because they were getting pretty painful. Like, contraction painful. Kyle took me home and put me to bed where I spent the next day and a half completely incapable of getting myself into a comfortable position and feeling like a total bum for just laying around. It was nice to sleep in and play hookie from work yesterday, but I really prefer to do that when I'm feeling perfectly fine and can actually DO something. It sucked. And, no, I didn't call my doctor. I know every pregnancy is different, but I've been in labor before, and even though these cramps hurt, I knew they weren't the real thing. I didn't see the need to have my doctor send me to the ER just to be told to do what I was already doing (and have to pay a $135 copay). Dont worry, I was going to call if things got worse or kept up for much longer, but fortunately it all worked itself out. Kyle's co-worker told him yesterday that he remembered reading somewhere that loud noises can cause pre-term labor, so I've been forbidden from using the gun again until after V makes her appearance. I doubt it's likely that I nearly scared her out of me, but whatever. Kyle pretty much never puts his foot down, so if he feels that stronly about it, I won't argue. So here's the quick recap: I was having contractions, I laid around for a day and a half and drank water like it was my job, the contractions stopped, and I'm not allowed to shoot any more guns. All is well. V is active as always and I'm feeling just fine. So anyway, I've been working on my weekly bump post, but since I laid around and looked like ass all weekend, I don't have a picture for it yet. I'll post as soon as I get that taken care of.

How was your weekend? Better than mine, I hope!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

oh lady!!! i hope you're feeling better! and i had never heard that about loud noises, but it makes sense i suppose...lay off the rambo action mama!! hope you're having a good day doll :)