Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I take way too many pictures!

I got these shots of V the other night during her daily giggly time. She really makes us work for the smiles but they are sooooo worth it!

And here are a few from our photoshoot in the living room this afternoon...

Nice face.


I took these pics of Logan last week while we were out shopping with my friend Karen and her baby. Isn't he just gorgeous? I just can't get over how grown-up he looks all of a sudden!

I am really loving all this time at home with my kiddos! Unfortunately we only have 5 weeks of maternity leave left and I'm getting kind of depressed about it. I'm so not ready to spend my days away from them. I really wish we were one of those families who could work it out so that I could stay home, but sadly I carry our health insurance so I kind of have to keep my job. Oh well.

A post with no pictures of baby

I got my hair cut! It was so long that I got a headache every time I put it up, so I knew it was time. I ended up having more than 6" taken off, so it's a pretty big change. I really like it though. What do you think?

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Many Faces of Princess Vivienne

Vivienne is becoming a LOT more entertaining, but also fairly high-maintentance, which is why I haven't been around in a while. Sorry for that. I have a ton of pictures and a few stories to share with you all, it's just a matter of finding the time to post. It's not that I'm sleep-deprived - our Princess sleeps about 8 hours a night - I'm just busy with keeping her happy (she thinks she needs to be held all day), trying not to neglect Logan, and maybe fitting in a meal or a shower now and then. I'll try to post whenever I can, but know that it may just be a ton of pictures and maybe a few quick sentences (like this one) because I'm really enjoying all the cuddling and it's hard to do in front of the computer.

I hope you're all doing well! I miss you!!!